Best Friendship Shayari in Urdu and English 2024

Two-lines Best Friendship Shayari in Urdu and English

Friendship Shayari beautifully captures the essence of companionship in poetic verses. These heart-touching Shayari express the depth of emotions, laughter, and support shared between friends. A poetic celebration of friendship, these verses evoke warmth and connection, making them a cherished expression of true camaraderie.

Friendship Shayari explores themes of companionship, trust, and the joy of shared experiences. It often conveys feelings and thoughts that might be difficult to express in everyday language.

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Friendship (Dost) Shayari Urdu With a Full Explanation In English

You consider pain to be sincere too, Faraz
Best friendship shayari in urdu 2024

تم تکلیف کو بھی اخلاص سمجھتے ہو 'فراز'
دوست ہوتا نہیں ہر ہاتھ ملانے والا

The poetry translates to: 1

"You consider even discomfort as sincerity, 'Faraz'
Not everyone who shakes hands is a friend."

In this couplet, Ahmed Faraz explores themes of trust, sincerity, and the superficiality that can exist in social interactions.

He was a friend from the good old days
dosti shayari in urdu

وہ کوئی دوست تھا اچھے دنوں کا
جو پچھلی رات سے یاد آ رہا ہے

The poetry translates to: 2

"He was a friend from the good days,
who has been on my mind since last night."

This verse reflects a moment of nostalgia and reminiscence about a friend associated with happier, perhaps simpler, times in the past. The speaker's reference to the friend starting to come to mind "since last night" suggests a sudden resurgence of memories, possibly triggered by an event, a thought, or a feeling that reminded them of this person.

The phrase "good days" connotes a period of joy or ease, indicating that the friend and the times they shared hold a special, positive place in the speaker's memory. The overall mood of the couplet is bittersweet, mixing fond remembrance with the implicit understanding that those times, and perhaps that friendship, are in the past.

O friend, despite our abandonment of love
Friendship Shayari in urdu

اے دوست، ہم نے ترکِ محبت کے باوجود
محسوس کی ہے تیری ضرورت کبھی کبھی

The poetry translates to: 3

"O friend, despite having given up on love,
I have felt your need from time to time."

This verse expresses a poignant sentiment where the speaker acknowledges that even after deciding to abandon love (perhaps due to past hurts or disappointments), there are moments when they still feel the need for the companionship or presence of the person they once cared for.

This suggests a complex relationship with love and attachment, highlighting how emotional bonds and needs can persist even when one consciously tries to move away from them. The phrase "felt your need" conveys a sense of emotional dependence or longing that sporadically surfaces, reminding the speaker of the deep connection that once existed. This couplet captures the enduring human experience of attachment and the sometimes involuntary nature of our emotional needs.

Before they become unfaithful
Dosti Shayari 2024

اس سے پہلے کہ بے وفا ہو جائیں
کیوں نہ اے دوست ہم جدا ہو جائیں

The poetry translates to: 4

"Before we become unfaithful,
why not part ways, my friend?"

This verse reflects a preemptive and somewhat pragmatic decision in a relationship, where the speaker suggests parting ways before either person becomes unfaithful. The suggestion to separate "before we become unfaithful" implies a recognition of potential future complications or the inevitability of change in feelings or circumstances that might lead to infidelity or betrayal. 

The proposal to end the relationship while still on amicable terms, as friends, indicates a desire to preserve the dignity and integrity of their connection, avoiding the pain and resentment that often accompany such breakdowns in relationships. This couplet captures a moment of foresight and the willingness to make a difficult choice to prevent more profound heartache later.

My conscience is too much for me to punish
Dosti Poetry Pictures

میرا ضمیر بہت ہے مجھے سزا کے لئے 
تو دوست ہے تو نصیحت نہ کر، خُدا کے لئے

The poetry translates to: 5

"My conscience is enough to punish me;
if you are a friend, do not advise me, for God's sake."

This verse conveys a deep personal torment where the speaker acknowledges that their conscience is their greatest punisher, implying that they are already suffering internally for their actions or thoughts. The speaker then appeals to their friend, asking them not to give advice or lecture them, as their guilt and self-awareness are overwhelming enough.

The phrase "for God's sake" emphasizes the earnestness and desperation of the request, asking the friend to refrain from adding to their burden through moralizing or criticism. This couplet portrays a moment of vulnerability and introspection, highlighting the profound impact of one's inner moral struggles and the need for understanding from others.

Bets are not made with friendship
Shayari On Friends

شرطیں لگائی جاتی نہیں دوستی کے ساتھ
کیجئے مجھے قبول میری ہر کمی کے ساتھ

The poetry translates to: 6

"Conditions should not be imposed with friendship;
Accept me with all my flaws."

This verse articulates the idea that true friendship should be unconditional, without demands or stipulations. The speaker asserts that real friendship involves accepting one another as they are, complete with all imperfections and shortcomings. The first line highlights a principle or belief that friendship ought to be free from the constraints of conditions, which can undermine the genuineness of the relationship

In the second line, the speaker requests to be accepted wholly, including their flaws, suggesting a desire for an authentic and accepting bond where one does not feel the need to mask or hide their deficiencies. This couplet conveys a deep understanding of friendship as an accepting and non-judgmental relationship.

Where is this friendship that has become bad friends?
Best Friend

یہ کہاں کی دوستی ہے کہ بنے ہیں دوست ناصح
کوئی چارساز ہوتا، کوئی غم گزار ہوتا

The poetry translates to: 7

"What kind of friendship is this, where friends have become advisers?
Someone should have been a healer, someone should have been a sympathizer."

This verse expresses the speaker's lament over the nature of their friendships, where instead of providing comfort and empathy, friends have taken on the role of advisers. The speaker feels that instead of offering guidance or solutions, it would have been more beneficial if their friends had acted as "healers" or "sympathizers" – people who could alleviate their distress and share in their sorrows. 

The speaker yearns for deeper emotional support from their friends, suggesting that true friendship involves more than just giving advice; it requires understanding, sharing in each other's emotional experiences, and offering comfort during tough times. This couplet underscores a desire for more meaningful and supportive relationships.

Enemies will fall in love
2 Lines Friendship Shayari

دشمنوں سے پیار ہوتا جائے گا
دوستوں کو آزماتے جائیے

The poetry translates to: 8

"Love for enemies will continue to grow;
keep testing your friends."

This verse presents an ironic or perhaps satirical view on relationships, contrasting the usual expectations towards friends and enemies. The first line suggests that paradoxically, one might find themselves developing affection or understanding towards their enemies over time. In contrast, the second line advises continually testing friends, which could imply skepticism or distrust within ostensibly close relationships.

The overall sentiment may reflect a critical commentary on how, in the speaker's experience or observation, relationships can sometimes devolve into unlikely dynamics where trust in friends wanes while understanding or reconciliation with adversaries increases. This could also be interpreted as a caution against taking friendships for granted or a reminder that true friendship should withstand scrutiny and challenges.

The heart is not completely broken yet
Friendship Shayari

دل ابھی پوری طرح ٹوٹا نہیں
دوستوں کی مہربانی چاہئے

The poetry translates to: 9

"The heart has not yet completely broken;
the kindness of friends is needed."

This verse expresses a vulnerable moment where the speaker admits that their heart is on the verge of breaking but has not fully shattered yet. They are seeking the compassion and support of friends to help them through this difficult time. 

The speaker's reliance on the "kindness of friends" highlights the importance of friendship and emotional support in times of personal distress, suggesting that such support could potentially prevent their hearts from breaking completely. It's a plea for empathy and assistance during a particularly tough emotional ordeal.

Who cries for someone else, friend?
Best Friendship Shayari 2024

کون روتا ہے کسی اور کی خاطر اے دوست
سب کو اپنی ہی کسی بات پہ رونا آیا

The poetry translates to: 10

"Who cries for someone else, my friend?
Everyone has learned to cry over their own issues."

This verse conveys a sense of disillusionment about human empathy and self-centeredness. The speaker suggests that while people may appear to cry or show sadness because of others' misfortunes, in reality, their tears are often related to their concerns or issues.

The rhetorical question in the first line expresses skepticism about genuine altruism in emotional reactions, while the second line asserts that people are primarily moved to tears by matters that directly affect them. This couplet reflects a cynical view of human nature, implying that empathy may often be more about personal resonance than true concern for others.


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