Best Faiz Ahmad Faiz Sad Poetry in Urdu images
Were you looking for such great poetry Urdu pictures, Faiz Ahmed Faiz's beautiful Urdu sad and loving poetry in two lines share it with your friends so that such poems can be delivered to those who like, this Urdu poetry collection I include these words, pain, separation, loneliness, shame, etc
Sad Poetry Images Faiz Ahmad Faiz And Copy Text SMS
Sad Poetry Faiz Ahmad Faiz |
اپنی مشق ستم سے ہاتھ نہ کھینچ
میں نہیں یا وفا نہیں باقی
Apni moshque Sitam se hath na KhanchMain Nahin Ya wafa Nahin Baki.
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Faiz Ahmad Faiz Shayari |
رات مہکی ہوئی آتی ہے کہیں سے پوچھو
آج بکھرائے ہوئے زلف ترحدار ہیں
Best Two Lines Shayari In Urdu SMS Copy
Raat Mahki Howi Aati Hai Kahin Se PoochhoAaj bikhre hue Zulf Tarhdar hain.
Faiz Ahmad Faiz Poetry 2 Line |
جاؤاب سو رہو ستارو
درد کی رات ڈھل چلی ہے
Sad Poetry Faiz Ahmad Faiz Copy-Paste
Jao Ab So Raho SitaroDard Ki Raat Dhal Chali Hai.
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