Best Sad Poetry in Urdu Images Download and SMS Copy-Paste
One of the best Sad Poetry image collections in the Urdu language. Best Sad Poetry in Urdu is specially designed for people who like to share sad poetry lines Shayari in their Whatsapp status, Facebook status, and other Social Networking profiles.
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Sad Shayari Pictures In Urdu -Status, Story Download
Sad Shayari In Urdu |
بہت دیر لگی لیکن یہ جان گیا
ضرورت ہوتی ہے سب کو ضرورت کی حد تک
2 Lines sad Poetry Status And SMS Copy-Paste
Bahut Der Lagi lekin yah Jaan GayaZarurat hoti hai Sabko Zarurat ki had Tak..
Missing someone can happen to anyone at any given time. Feel this pain through our sad poetry in Urdu now. Check out a wide range of sad poetry images to share on Facebook or WhatsApp status. Also available as wallpaper for your phone screen!
میں برا کیسے ہو گیا صاحب
درد لکھتا ہوں کسی کو دیتا تو نہیں
Sad poetry SMS Copy And Facebook Cover Photo
Main Bura kaise ho gaya SahibDard likhta hun Kisi Ko data To Nahin...
Express your feelings of love and breakup using these two lines of sad poetry in Urdu images. These images can be shared as Facebook cover photos to get sympathy and sadness from your friends.