Depressed Quotes Poetry Mobile Wallpaper in English
We provide a good collection of depressing quotes and poetry in English One Lines images, alone, full HD wallpapers for your Android mobile and iPhone. 540 x 690 And 750 x 1334 all the images are in HD quality, just download and set them as wallpaper on your device screen. Apply these wallpapers on your mobile screen, and end your depression.):
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Depressed Wallpapers |
Whenever you are discouraged or feeling low, let the Depressed Quotes Poetry quotes help you through the day and empower yourself. dealing with anxiety and depression is very difficult and you do not have to do it alone.
there is always somebody that you can turn to for help, whether it be a friend, family member, medication, or any other method that works for you. you deserve happiness and your life has meaning. remember this post when you are feeling low. Depressed Quotes in English - Best Depressed Things Wallpapers
Quotes about depression can help to change how you think about the world and motivate you to take action. If you are feeling alone, one quote on your phone might be all that you need to realize that you are not alone or to be ready for people’s support.
If you feel sad because of some failure, quotes about depression can help you see things from a different perspective. Focus on the good things and be ready to start over again.
Forever |
I lost myself |
I lost myself somewhere in the darkness.
Your Life |
Your Life Only gets better when you do,
work on yourself and the rest will follow
Do not confuse my bad days as a sign of weakness,
those are actually the days a am my hardest.
I'm going |
I don't know where I'm going but I'm going
are you coming with me?
me anymore |
I am not me anymore...
at night when I'm |
It gets worse at night when I'm.
I'm tired |
I'm tired of fighting...
Stressed. |
But well dressed.
Bursting out into tears |
Bursting out into tears because you
can't take it anymore.
I'm alone I think |
When I'm alone I think and think,
And Think,
And Think,
And Think,
And Think...
Leave or stay |
She didn't know, who would
Leave or stay.
So she pushed them all away...
always rain |
Why does it always rain on me...
spells of depression |
Life is a series of disappointments broken only
by dark spells of depression
waking up in the morning |
The hardest part is waking up in the morning
Remembering what you were trying to forget laat night.
One day I'll leave |
One day I'll leave and never come back...
talk about your problems |
Depression is not being able to talk about your problems,
While talking on everyone else's just to hide your own.
You stole those years |
it's because of you that I wasted so many years feeling worthless.
You stole those years from me.
Growth is painful. |
Growth is painful.
Change is but nothing is as painful as staying
Stuck somewhere you don't belong.
manic-depression |
You can have manic-depression without
Having an ounce of creativity.
Please forgive me if I don't talk much at times.
it's loud enough in my head.
just feel really empty |
That feeling when you're not necessarily sad,
but you just feel really empty...
she's sleeping |
I Can feel her breath as she's sleeping next to me.sharing pillows and cold feet...
Dramatic Happens |
No one really cares until something dramatic happens
I didn't know existed |
You found party of me I didn't know existed and in
You i found a love no longer believed was real...
I m strong |
I m strong but I am tired...
my old friend |
Hello, darkness my old friend I have to talk with you again...
not feeling alone |
"I like being alone, not feeling alone."
I'm exhausted |
I'm exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel...
My head is a very dark |
My head is a very dark place.
the safest place to hide |
You keep it on the inside cause that's the safest place to hide.
Everything |
Everything I love is going...
you looked the other way |
I was Falling, and you looked the other way...
I'm trying I really am |
Most days are awful but I'm trying I really am.
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Hello from the other side. |
Hello from the other side.
prevent us from happiness |
Tow things prevent us from happiness;
living in the past and observing others.
The happy me |
I miss me. the old me.
The happy me. the bright me.
The laughing me. the gone me.
Error! the file is too big |
Delete My Feelings for.
error! the file is too big...
Emotionally tired |
Emotionally tired...
I'm not ok |
"I'm not ok."
You're allowed to cry |
You're allowed to scream,
You're allowed to cry,
But do not give up.
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